About us

Matthieu Bronstein


  • Born in 1974.
  • Masters degree in electrical engineering.
  • Has worked as a developer & business analyst in international projects since 1998.
  • Key areas of expertise include CRM & billing systems with a specific emphasis on requirements engineering within the Prepaid area of the telecommunication industry.
  • Fundamental experience in software development especially on Unix in combination with Oracle databases.
  • Co-founder of BARE Consulting Services GmbH & Co. KG and a current member of the management team.
  • matthieu.bronstein@bare-consulting.de

Jürg Gerber


  • Born in 1962.
  • Professionally qualified IT project leader.
  • Worked in IT since 1985.
  • Has worked as a freelancer predominantly on international projects in the telecommunication industry since 1997 (provisioning, payment, recharging, Prepaid, CRM, & mediation).
  • Key areas of expertise include: business & systems analysis, requirements engineering, provisioning & systems integration.
  • Fundamental experience in software development, especially on Unix in combination with Oracle databases.
  • Co-founder of BARE Consulting Services GmbH & Co. KG and a current member of the management team.
  • juerg.gerber@bare-consulting.de

Keith Howe


  • Born in 1966.
  • Bachelor of Science degree in computer science.
  • Worked in IT since 1985.
  • Key areas of expertise include: business / systems analysis, requirements engineering, vendor management & systems integration.
  • Has worked as a freelancer predominantly on international projects in the telecommunication industry since 1999 (payment, recharging, Prepaid, CRM, voucher management & mediation).
  • Co-founder of BARE Consulting Services GmbH & Co. KG and a current member of the management team.
  • keith.howe@bare-consulting.de

Martin Teßmer


  • Born in 1986.
  • Bachelor degree in telecommunication computer science.
  • Masters degree in business informatics.
  • Formally trained as an IT Consultant in a medium-sized consulting company.
  • Has worked on international projects in the telecommunication industry since 2007.
  • Key areas of expertise include: business & systems analysis, requirements engineering & systems integration.
  • Co-founder of BARE Consulting Services GmbH & Co. KG and a current member of the management team.
  • martin.tessmer@bare-consulting.de